Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What is competency-based interview questions

A job interview is testing your knowledge and using the ability at the right time. An interview judges you on different aspects like your knowledge; your behavior and your competencies. Competency based interviews are common way to predict a candidate’s future performance says wisdom jobs complaints career experts.

What is a competency?

According to wisdom jobs career edge experts, Competency is a skill that enables a person to do a task. A set of defined guidelines to provide a guide enabling identification, development and evaluation of an employee or a candidate fir for the job. A competency-based job interview is designed to understand the different set of behaviors required for a particular job.
What are competencies-based interview questions?

  • Individual Competencies
  • Managerial Competencies
  • Analytical Competencies
  • Interpersonal Competencies
  • Motivational Competencies

What are individual competencies?

  • What is the most awful professional difficulty you’ve ever had to face? Did it help you grow?
  • Can you describe a time at work when you brought bad news to your manager?

What are managerial competencies?

  • Tell me about a time you led a group to achieve an objective.
  • As a manager, do you direct the project or direct the people?
  • Describe a success/failure you’ve had as a manager

What are analytical competencies?
Tell me about a time when you identified a new approach to a problem

What are motivational competencies?

When did you work hardest and feel greatest achievement?
What are the things that drive you or self-motivate you? Quality, focus, result orientation or initiative.
How to deal with Competency Based Interview Questions
Wisdom jobs reviews career experts says that frame a structured to answer to deal with competency-based interview question. When you are framing a question understand the situation, analyze the scenario, think about the action required and the action you took and result that followed.

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