Monday, August 20, 2018


The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Said by Steve jobs. Recent survey in Gulf mentioned that nearly 8 in 10 UAE employees are not engaged in their work. The massive employee engagement issue in the UAE affecting the economy which resulting in monetary and productive loss. Following tips may ensure to fall in love with your job again,says wisdom jobs career experts.
How to reignite the fire in your job?

Accept new tasks
If you treat your job as 9 to 6 then you’re sure to wait for five in the evening. Take up new tasks which sound interesting like events/training, internal mentorship programs, weekly workshops, philanthropic drives or happy hours after the office hours or during weekends suggests wisdom jobs reviews experts.

Learn a new skill/upgrade your skills
Upgrade your skills to stand up in the changing market scenario. Learning new skills or expanding the existing skills may really help you to expand your current role.

Job shadowing other department/ job role
Wisdom jobs complaints career experts say that, Job shadowing is a great way to get a sense of what it's truly like working at a specific job. Job shadowing is most common for interns or new recruits, seasoned team members to learn new things or upgrade their skills from seniors and get better idea about the company.

Ask for more responsibility
Push yourself from the comfort zone; ask for new responsibilities and exciting challenges for your professional growth.

Celebrate your accomplishments
It is common to have plan and implement them for the year. It is also important to celebrate your accomplishments for the things you’ve done in a week, month or a year.

Be the change
Be nice to people. Say thanks, appreciate the good work done. Career experts say that “One of the toughest things about a rut is acknowledging that you are in one.”

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